Most recent
- (Cottineau-Mugadza, 2024): In this working paper, I examine how economic inequality and economic segregation are connected theoretically and empirically. I do so by systematically analyzing the direction of causality, causal pathways and temporal relationship reflected by a multidisciplinary and multilingual literature. I conclude that variations in economic segregation follow differences in economic inequality in the short term and that reverse causality is more probable in the longer term, that the housing market is the most frequent mediator between economic inequality and economic segregation and that the current scholarship on the topic is far from comparable, although compatible definitions and measurements of inequality and segregation are rising.
- (Janssen et al., 2024): In this article, we analyse the spillover effects of contemporary state-led gentrification in Rotterdam. More specifically, we analyse the changing socioeconomic characteristics of in-movers and the changing origin locations of residential moves, concluding that Rotterdam increasingly attracts middle- to high-income households from other core cities in the Netherlands while intra-urban moves by economically vulnerable residents are declining, especially toward and within gentrifying neighborhoods.
- (Sarkar et al., 2024): In this editorial, we present a brief critical review of the field of urban inequalities and a summary of the special issue. In particular, we propose to organise knowledge on the measurement of spatial and geographic inequalities, by encoding urban geography into three dimensions: inequalities by location (city size, scale, form), inequalities by movement (transport networks, mobility, accessibility) and inequalities by larger infrastructural systems (housing stock, water, Internet) and their dynamics, management and access.
- (Cottineau-Mugadza et al., 2024): In this working paper, we propose a set of guidelines and tools to design and automate several steps of systematic literature reviews, so that urbanists with limited experience in SLR can concentrate on the tasks of reading, understanding and synthetizing the knowledge collected. We operationalise our guidelines with recent examples from the field of urbanism and reusable snippets of R code.
- (Cottineau, 2024a): On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the journal, this commentary looks back at 5 decades of Environment and Planning B and looks forward to where the journal (and the field of urban analytics and city science) might go.
Peer reviewed articles
- on Economic Inequality, residential segregation and urban inequality: (Cottineau, Finance, et al., 2019) (Cottineau & Vanhoof, 2019) (Schneider & Cottineau, 2019) (Janssen et al., 2023) (Janssen et al., 2024)
- on Literature reviews and the history of urban studies: (Cottineau, 2017a) (Raimbault et al., 2021) (Cottineau, 2022c) (Janssen et al., 2023) (Achter et al., 2024) (Cottineau et al., 2024)
- on Urban scaling laws and systems of cities: (Pumain et al., 2015) (Cottineau et al., 2017) (Cura et al., 2017) (Cottineau, 2017a) (Finance & Cottineau, 2019) (Cottineau, Finance, et al., 2019)
- on Agent-based modelling: (Cottineau, Reuillon, et al., 2015) (Cottineau, Chapron, et al., 2015) (Chérel et al., 2015) (Raimbault et al., 2019) (Achter et al., 2024)
- on Urbanisation in the post-Soviet Space: (Cottineau, 2011b) (Cottineau, 2012) (Cottineau, Reuillon, et al., 2015) (Cottineau, Chapron, et al., 2015) (Cottineau, 2016) (Cottineau, 2017b)
- on the Geography of production: (Cottineau, Finance, et al., 2019) (Cottineau & Arcaute, 2020) (Brochard et al., 2022) (Askenazy & Cottineau, 2024)
- on Urban policy: (Schneider & Cottineau, 2019) (Cottineau et al., 2024)
Edited book on inequalities in geographical space: (Cottineau & Vallée, 2022a)
Edited book on cities and inequalities: (Cottineau & Pumain, 2022a)
Book chapters
- In R. Harris, A. Heppenstall, & L. J. Wolf (Eds.), 2024, A research agenda for spatial analysis: (Cottineau, 2024b)
- In C. Cottineau & J. Vallée (Eds.), 2022, Inequalities in geographical space: (Cottineau & Vallée, 2022b) (Cottineau, 2022b)
- In C. Cottineau & D. Pumain (Eds.), 2022, Cities at the heart of inequalities: (Cottineau & Pumain, 2022b) (Cottineau, 2022a)
- In D. Pumain (Ed.), 2020, Theories and models of urbanization: Geography, economics and computing sciences: (Baffi & Cottineau, 2020)
- In D. Pumain (Ed.), 2019, Geographical modeling: Cities and territories: (Cottineau, Chapron, et al., 2019)
- In D. Pumain, C. Rozenblat, & E. Velasquez (Eds.), 2018, International and transnational perspectives on urban systems: (Cottineau & Frost, 2018)
- My PhD Dissertation: (Cottineau, 2014a)
- Non-peer-reviewed article: (Дружинин et al., 2010)
- Working Papers: (Cottineau & Morphet, 2016) (Barner et al., 2017) (Cottineau et al., 2018) (Cottineau-Mugadza et al., 2024) (Cottineau-Mugadza, 2024)
- Editorial: (Sarkar et al., 2024)
- Workshop repository: (Forgaci et al., n.d.)
- Book reviews: (Cottineau, 2011a) (Cottineau, 2014b) (Cottineau, 2017c) (Cottineau, 2020)
- Report: (Sousa et al., 2011)
- Commentaries: (Cottineau, 2024a)
Full list
Achter, S., Borit, M., Cottineau, C., Meyer, M., Polhill, J. G., & Radchuk, V. (2024). How to conduct more systematic reviews of agent-based models and foster theory development-taking stock and looking ahead. Environmental Modelling & Software, 173, 105867.
Askenazy, P., & Cottineau, C. (2024). The geography of collective bargaining in french multi-establishment companies. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society.
Baffi, S., & Cottineau, C. (2020). What is emerging? Understanding urbanisation dynamics in BRICS countries through a geographical approach, the case of russia and south africa. In D. Pumain (Ed.), Theories and models of urbanization: Geography, economics and computing sciences (pp. 209–234). Springer.
Barner, M., Cottineau, C., Molinero, C., Salat, H., Stanilov, K., & Arcaute, E. (2017). Multiscale entropy in the spatial context of cities. arXiv Preprint arXiv:1711.09817.
Brochard, D., Cottineau, C., Didry, C., Dupuy, C., Giordano, D., & Simha, J. (2022). La négociation d’entreprise en pratiques-pluralité des configurations et stratégies des acteurs. Socio-économie Du Travail, 2021(10), 65–94.
Chérel, G., Cottineau, C., & Reuillon, R. (2015). Beyond corroboration: Strengthening model validation by looking for unexpected patterns. PloS One, 10(9), e0138212.
Cottineau, C. (2011a). Baron m., cunningham-sabot e., grasland c., rivière d., van hamme g.(dir), 2010, villes et régions européennes en décroissance. Maintenir la cohésion territoriale, paris, lavoisier, série aménagement et gestion du territoire, 345 p. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.
Cottineau, C. (2011b). Processus de métropolisation dans l’espace frontalier post-soviétique: L’exemple de rostov-sur-le-don. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.
Cottineau, C. (2012). An intermediate system. Trajectories of russian cities between general dynamics and specific histories. Espace géographique (English Edition), 41(3), 247–265.
Cottineau, C. (2014a). L’évolution des villes dans l’espace post-soviétique: Observation et modélisations [PhD thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne-Paris I].
Cottineau, C. (2014b). Piketty t., 2013, le capital au XXIe siècle, seuil, coll.les livres du nouveau monde, 970 p. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.
Cottineau, C. (2016). A multilevel portrait of shrinking urban russia. Espace Populations Sociétés. Space Populations Societies, 2015/3-2016/1.
Cottineau, C. (2017a). MetaZipf. A dynamic meta-analysis of city size distributions. PloS One, 12(8), e0183919.
Cottineau, C. (2017b). Peut-on estimer la singularité des villes (post-) soviétiques? Économie Régionale Et Urbaine, 1, 5–32.
Cottineau, C. (2017c). West g., 2017, scale. The universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies, and companies, new york, penguin press, 479 p. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.
Cottineau, C. (2020). Lahire b.(dir.), 2019, enfances de classe. De l’inégalité parmi les enfants, paris, seuil, 1232 p. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.
Cottineau, C. (2022a). Inequalities between cities. In C. Cottineau & D. Pumain (Eds.), Cities at the heart of inequalities (pp. 205–232). Wiley Online Library.
Cottineau, C. (2022b). Modeling inequalities in geographical space. In C. Cottineau & J. Vallée (Eds.), Inequalities in geographical space (pp. 151–180). John Wiley & Sons.
Cottineau, C. (2022c). What do analyses of city size distributions have in common? Scientometrics, 127(3), 1439–1463.
Cottineau, C. (2024a). Accommodating a durable community. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 51(5), 1059–1062.
Cottineau, C. (2024b). Generative modelling. In R. Harris, A. Heppenstall, & L. J. Wolf (Eds.), A research agenda for spatial analysis (pp. 113–124). Elgar.
Cottineau, C., & Arcaute, E. (2020). The nested structure of urban business clusters. Applied Network Science, 5(1), 1–20.
Cottineau, C., Chapron, P., Le Texier, M., & Rey-Coyrehourcq, S. (2019). Incremental territorial modeling. In D. Pumain (Ed.), Geographical modeling: Cities and territories (Vol. 2, pp. 95–123). Wiley Online Library.
Cottineau, C., Chapron, P., & Reuillon, R. (2015). Growing models from the bottom up. An evaluation-based incremental modelling method (EBIMM) applied to the simulation of systems of cities. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18(4), 9.
Cottineau, C., Finance, O., Hatna, E., Arcaute, E., & Batty, M. (2019). Defining urban clusters to detect agglomeration economies. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(9), 1611–1626.
Cottineau, C., & Frost, I. (2018). The russian urban system: Evolution engaged with transition. In D. Pumain, C. Rozenblat, & E. Velasquez (Eds.), International and transnational perspectives on urban systems (pp. 263–284). Springer.
Cottineau, C., Hatna, E., Arcaute, E., & Batty, M. (2017). Diverse cities or the systematic paradox of urban scaling laws. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 63, 80–94.
Cottineau, C., M., B., Benenson, I., Delloye, J., Hatna, E., Pumain, D., Sarkar, S., Tannier, C., & Ubarevičienė, R. (2024). The role of analytical models and their circulation in urban studies and policy. Urban Studies, 61(12).
Cottineau, C., & Morphet, R. (2016). Jean reynaud: Seer of space. CASA Working Paper 205.
Cottineau, C., Perret, J., Reuillon, R., Rey-Coyrehourcq, S., & Vallée, J. (2018). An agent-based model to investigate the effects of social segregation around the clock on social disparities in dietary behaviour. CIST2018-Représenter Les Territoires/Representing Territories, 584–589.
Cottineau, C., & Pumain, D. (2022a). Cities at the heart of inequalities. John Wiley & Sons.
Cottineau, C., & Pumain, D. (2022b). Major models of the spatial organization of urban societies. In C. Cottineau & D. Pumain (Eds.), Cities at the heart of inequalities (pp. 1–30). John Wiley & Sons.
Cottineau, C., Reuillon, R., Chapron, P., Rey-Coyrehourcq, S., & Pumain, D. (2015). A modular modelling framework for hypotheses testing in the simulation of urbanisation. Systems, 3(4), 348–377.
Cottineau, C., & Vallée, J. (2022a). Inequalities in geographical space. John Wiley & Sons.
Cottineau, C., & Vallée, J. (2022b). Introduction to inequalities in geographical space. In C. Cottineau & J. Vallée (Eds.), Inequalities in geographical space (pp. 1–35). John Wiley & Sons.
Cottineau, C., & Vanhoof, M. (2019). Mobile phone indicators and their relation to the socioeconomic organisation of cities. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(1), 19.
Cottineau-Mugadza, C. (2024). Economic inequality and economic segregation: A systematic review of causal pathways. SocArXiv Preprints.
Cottineau-Mugadza, C., Forgaci, C., Janssen, K. M. J., Li, B., Zhang, S., & Zhang, X. (2024). Guidelines and open-source toolbox for systematic literature reviews in the field of urbanism. SocArXiv Preprints.
Cura, R., Cottineau, C., Swerts, E., Antonio Ignazzi, C., Bretagnolle, A., Vacchiani-Marcuzzo, C., & Pumain, D. (2017). The old and the new: Qualifying city systems in the world with classical models and new data. Geographical Analysis, 49(4), 363–386.
Finance, O., & Cottineau, C. (2019). Are the absent always wrong? Dealing with zero values in urban scaling. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(9), 1663–1677.
Forgaci, C., Cottineau, C., Janssen, K. M. J., Francisco Conceicao, J., Alvarez, M. G., Petrović, A., Kubilay, S., Cannatella, D., San Millán Tejedor, J., Wilczynska, A., & Rbanism Community. (n.d.). Geospatial Data Carpentry for Urbanism [Computer software].
Janssen, K. M. J., Cottineau, C., Kleinhans, R., & Bueren, E. van. (2023). Gentrification and the origin and destination of movers: A systematic review. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 114(4), 300–318.
Janssen, K. M. J., Cottineau-Mugadza, C., Kleinhans, R., & Bueren, E. van. (2024). Spatial dynamics of incoming movers and the state-led gentrification process: The case of rotterdam. Population, Space and Place, OnlineFirst.
Pumain, D., Swerts, E., Cottineau, C., Vacchiani-Marcuzzo, C., Ignazzi, C. A., Bretagnolle, A., Delisle, F., Cura, R., Lizzi, L., & Baffi, S. (2015). Multilevel comparison of large urban systems. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.
Raimbault, J., Chasset, P.-O., Cottineau, C., Commenges, H., Pumain, D., Kosmopoulos, C., & Banos, A. (2021). Empowering open science with reflexive and spatialised indicators. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 48(2), 298–313.
Raimbault, J., Cottineau, C., Texier, M. L., Néchet, F. L., & Reuillon, R. (2019). Space matters: Extending sensitivity analysis to initial spatial conditions in geosimulation models. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 22(4).
Sarkar, S., Cottineau-Mugadza, C., & Wolf, L. J. (2024). Spatial inequalities and cities: A review. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, OnlineFirst.
Schneider, C., & Cottineau, C. (2019). Decentralisation versus territorial inequality: A comparative review of english city region policy discourse. Urban Science, 3(3), 90.
Sousa, S. Ávila de, Cottineau, C., Dietersforfer, L., Fernández Águeda, B., Gonul, D., Hoemke, M., Jaroszewska, E., Lella, I., Mykhnenko, V., Prada Trigo, J., et al. (2011). Mapping urban shrinkage in europe. Training school final report. EU-COST action TU0803.
Дружинин, А. Г., Кирсанова, Н. В., & Котино (Cottineau), К. (C. ). (2010). Идентификация региональных метрополий юга россии (картографическое моделирование на основе ГИС-технологии). Южно-Российский Форум, 153–157.