## List pacakges used in the script
<- c("rscopus", "RefManageR", "tidyverse","brio",
packages "stringr", "bibtex", "glue", "here", "litsearchr",
"revtools", "remotes", "igraph", "remotes",
"PRISMAstatement", "synthesisr")
## Load packages and install them if needed
for (package in packages) {
if (!require(package, character.only = TRUE)) {
if (package == "litsearchr") remotes::install_github("elizagrames/litsearchr", ref="main")
else install.packages(package)
} }
Companion code for section 2: Search strategy & selection of references
Let us first install and load the packages we will need.
We also need to organize our repository
dir.create("raw-data") #for raw data
dir.create("processed-data") #for the unique references
1 Retrieving references from Scopus
Set your API key - if you do not have one, please go to the Elsevier Developer Portal to apply for one with your institutional credentials.
Once you have your key (i.e. a long string of digits and characters), replace Your_scopus_api_key
by the key value, and add quotes, for instance: options(elsevier_api_key = “my8personal4key”)
options(elsevier_api_key = Your_scopus_api_key)
Set your research query:
<- "( ( ( TITLE ( govern* OR state OR decision-making OR policy-making OR stakeholder OR participat* ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( impact OR outcome OR result OR differentiation OR consequence OR change OR transformation OR role ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( governance W/0 ( mode OR model OR process ) ) ) ) AND
query ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( effect OR caus* OR explain* OR influence OR affect OR mechanism OR restrict OR create OR impact OR drive OR role OR transform* OR relation* OR led OR improve OR interven* OR respon* ) ) AND
( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( urban OR neighborhood OR city OR residential OR regional OR housing ) W/0 ( development OR redevelopment OR regeneration OR restructuring OR revitalization OR construction OR governance ) ) "
Query scopus if you get the api key. Note that you can modify the max_count for each searching:
if (have_api_key()) {
<- scopus_search(query = query, max_count = 200, count = 10, view = "COMPLETE")
res <- gen_entries_to_df(res$entries)
search_results }
The query list is:
list(query = "( ( ( TITLE ( govern* OR state OR decision-making OR policy-making OR stakeholder OR participat* ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( impact OR outcome OR result OR differentiation OR consequence OR change OR transformation OR role ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( governance W/0 ( mode OR model OR process ) ) ) ) AND \n ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( effect OR caus* OR explain* OR influence OR affect OR mechanism OR restrict OR create OR impact OR drive OR role OR transform* OR relation* OR led OR improve OR interven* OR respon* ) ) AND \n ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( urban OR neighborhood OR city OR residential OR regional OR housing ) W/0 ( development OR redevelopment OR regeneration OR restructuring OR revitalization OR construction OR governance ) ) ",
count = 10, start = 0, view = "COMPLETE")
[1] "( ( ( TITLE ( govern* OR state OR decision-making OR policy-making OR stakeholder OR participat* ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( impact OR outcome OR result OR differentiation OR consequence OR change OR transformation OR role ) ) ) OR ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( governance W/0 ( mode OR model OR process ) ) ) ) AND \n ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( effect OR caus* OR explain* OR influence OR affect OR mechanism OR restrict OR create OR impact OR drive OR role OR transform* OR relation* OR led OR improve OR interven* OR respon* ) ) AND \n ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( urban OR neighborhood OR city OR residential OR regional OR housing ) W/0 ( development OR redevelopment OR regeneration OR restructuring OR revitalization OR construction OR governance ) ) "
[1] 10
[1] 0
Response [https://api.elsevier.com/content/search/scopus?query=%28%20%28%20%28%20TITLE%20%28%20govern%2A%20OR%20state%20OR%20decision-making%20OR%20policy-making%20OR%20stakeholder%20OR%20participat%2A%20%29%20%29%20AND%20%28%20TITLE-ABS-KEY%20%28%20impact%20OR%20outcome%20OR%20result%20OR%20differentiation%20OR%20consequence%20OR%20change%20OR%20transformation%20OR%20role%20%29%20%29%20%29%20OR%20%28%20TITLE-ABS-KEY%20%28%20governance%20W%2F0%20%28%20mode%20OR%20model%20OR%20process%20%29%20%29%20%29%20%29%20AND%20%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%28%20TITLE-ABS-KEY%20%28%20effect%20OR%20caus%2A%20OR%20explain%2A%20OR%20influence%20OR%20affect%20OR%20mechanism%20OR%20restrict%20OR%20create%20OR%20impact%20OR%20drive%20OR%20role%20OR%20transform%2A%20OR%20relation%2A%20OR%20led%20OR%20improve%20OR%20interven%2A%20OR%20respon%2A%20%29%20%29%20AND%20%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%28%20TITLE-ABS-KEY%20%28%20urban%20OR%20neighborhood%20OR%20city%20OR%20residential%20OR%20regional%20OR%20housing%20%29%20W%2F0%20%28%20development%20OR%20redevelopment%20OR%20regeneration%20OR%20restructuring%20OR%20revitalization%20OR%20construction%20OR%20governance%20%29%20%29%20&count=10&start=0&view=COMPLETE]
Date: 2024-05-21 07:08
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Size: 57 kB
Total Entries are 4983
Maximum Count is 200
20 runs need to be sent with current count
| | 0%
|==== | 6%
|======== | 11%
|============ | 17%
|================ | 22%
|=================== | 28%
|======================= | 33%
|=========================== | 39%
|=============================== | 44%
|=================================== | 50%
|======================================= | 56%
|=========================================== | 61%
|=============================================== | 67%
|=================================================== | 72%
|====================================================== | 78%
|========================================================== | 83%
|============================================================== | 89%
|================================================================== | 94%
|======================================================================| 100%
Number of Output Entries are 200
Create an empty list to store search results
<- search_results$df$pii
ids <- list()
search_results_list for (id in ids) {
<- search_results$df
search_results_list[[id]] }
Convert the list to a data frame
<- do.call(rbind, search_results$df)
results_df <- t(results_df)
transposed_results_df dim(transposed_results_df)
[1] 200 36
Add filter to keep only articles”
<- as_tibble(transposed_results_df) |>
articles_df filter(subtype == "ar")
[1] 176 36
What does it look like?
# A tibble: 6 × 36
`@_fa` `prism:url` `dc:identifier` eid `dc:title` `dc:creator`
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 true https://api.elsevier.com… SCOPUS_ID:8519… 2-s2… Decomposi… Wu Y.
2 true https://api.elsevier.com… SCOPUS_ID:8518… 2-s2… Explainin… Karampouria…
3 true https://api.elsevier.com… SCOPUS_ID:8518… 2-s2… De-border… Zapata-Barr…
4 true https://api.elsevier.com… SCOPUS_ID:8519… 2-s2… Artificia… Bibri S.E.
5 true https://api.elsevier.com… SCOPUS_ID:8519… 2-s2… Decipheri… Abedin J.
6 true https://api.elsevier.com… SCOPUS_ID:8519… 2-s2… Blockchai… Zhu X.
# ℹ 30 more variables: `prism:publicationName` <chr>, `prism:eIssn` <chr>,
# `prism:volume` <chr>, `prism:issueIdentifier` <chr>,
# `prism:coverDate` <chr>, `prism:coverDisplayDate` <chr>, `prism:doi` <chr>,
# `dc:description` <chr>, `citedby-count` <chr>,
# `prism:aggregationType` <chr>, subtype <chr>, subtypeDescription <chr>,
# `author-count.@limit` <chr>, `author-count.@total` <chr>,
# `author-count.$` <chr>, `article-number` <chr>, `source-id` <chr>, …
Write the details to a CSV file
write.csv(articles_df, here("processed-data", "scopus_api_results.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
Export a into a .bib file
<- read.csv(here("processed-data", "scopus_api_results.csv"))
df for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
$authkeywords[i] <- paste(unlist(strsplit(df$authkeywords[i], "\\s*\\|\\s*")), collapse = ", ")
<- data.frame(
data Author = df$dc.creator,
Title = df$dc.title,
Year = sub(".*\\s(\\d{4})$", "\\1", df$prism.coverDisplayDate),
Journal = df$prism.publicationName,
Volume = df$prism.volume,
Number = df$article.number,
Pages = df$prism.pageRange,
DOI = df$prism.doi,
Keyword = df$authkeywords
Create a list of BibEntry objects
# Format the Keywords field
<- lapply(1:nrow(data), function(i) {
bib_entries BibEntry(
bibtype = "Article", # Add the bibtype argument
key = paste0(substr(data$Author[i], 1, 1), data$Year[i]),
author = data$Author[i], # Add author field
title = data$Title[i], # Add title field
year = data$Year[i], # Add year field
journal = data$Journal[i], # Add journal field
volume = data$Volume[i], # Add volume field
number = data$Number[i], # Add number field
pages = data$Pages[i], # Add pages field
doi = data$DOI[i], # Add DOI field
url = data$Keyword[i] # Add Keyword field (because BibEntry function does not provide keyword indicator, use url for keywords as an example.)
) })
Convert each BibEntry object to BibTeX format individually
<- lapply(bib_entries, toBibtex) bib_texts
Combine the BibTeX texts into a single character vector
<- unlist(bib_texts, use.names = FALSE) bib_text
Write BibTeX file
writeLines(bib_text, here("processed-data","scopus_references.bib"))
2 Combining tables, deduplicating references and summarising the results
Although a dedicated package exist to retrieve references from the Web of Science API (wosr
), we have not been able to make it work. Instead, we used the web interface of the [Web of Science](https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/summary/82f1ef9f-d361-4455-a556-cc37014e5f7a-de2281b0/relevance/1] (through our institutional access) to run the same query:
( ( ( TI= ( govern* OR state OR decision-making OR policy-making OR participat* OR stakeholder ) ) AND ( TS= ( impact OR outcome OR performance OR result OR differentiation OR consequence OR change OR transformation OR role ) ) ) OR ( TS= ( governance NEAR/0 ( mode OR model OR role OR process )) ) ) AND (TS= ( effect OR caus* OR explain* OR influence OR affect OR mechanism OR restrict OR create OR impact OR drive OR role OR transform* OR relation* OR led OR improve OR interven* OR respon* ) ) AND ( TS= (( urban OR neighborhood OR city OR residential OR regional OR housing ) NEAR/0 (development OR redevelopment OR renewal OR regeneration OR restructuring OR revitalization OR governance ) ) )
We then selected the articles written in English from the results and obtained 3180 results as of 11 April 2024. We downloaded the first 200 records in .bib format for this example: wos_reference.bib
, and saved them in the raw-data
folder of our project. Indeed, we want to show that this code can combine bibliographic data from different queries and or different databases.
<- synthesisr::read_refs(here("raw-data", "wos_reference.bib"))
wos_data <- synthesisr::read_refs(here("processed-data", "scopus_references.bib"))
# Remember we stored keywords into the url field, let's rename it now:
$keywords <- scopus_data$url scopus_data
Save variable names of dataframes is object
<- colnames(scopus_data)
unique_vars_scopus <- colnames(wos_data) unique_vars_wos
Identify which columns the scopus and wos dataframes have in common
<- intersect(unique_vars_scopus, unique_vars_wos)
common_vars print(common_vars)
[1] "type" "author" "title" "year" "journal" "volume"
[7] "number" "doi" "pages" "keywords"
Identify which columns are unique for the scopus and wos references
<- setdiff(unique_vars_scopus, unique_vars_wos)
unique_vars_only_scopus print(unique_vars_only_scopus)
[1] "url"
<- setdiff(unique_vars_wos, unique_vars_scopus)
unique_vars_only_wos print(unique_vars_only_wos)
[1] "month" "abstract"
[3] "publisher" "address"
[5] "language" "affiliation"
[7] "article_number" "issn"
[9] "eissn" "keywords_plus"
[11] "research_areas" "web_of_science_categories"
[13] "author_email" "affiliations"
[15] "researcherid_numbers" "orcid_numbers"
[17] "funding_acknowledgement" "funding_text"
[19] "cited_references" "number_of_cited_references"
[21] "times_cited" "usage_count_last_180_days"
[23] "usage_count_since_2013" "journal_iso"
[25] "doc_delivery_number" "web_of_science_index"
[27] "unique_id" "da"
[29] "oa" "earlyaccessdate"
[31] "note" "organization"
[33] "book_author" "booktitle"
[35] "series" "isbn"
[37] "editor"
Select only the variables that appear in both dataframes and the ones you deem relevant. In our case, we select: author
, type
, title
, year
, volume
, number
, pages
, doi
, keywords
<- c(
selected_vars # "label",
"author", "title", "year", "journal",
"volume", "number", "pages", "doi", "keywords")
<- scopus_data %>%
scopus_selection ::select(all_of(selected_vars))
<- wos_data %>%
wos_selection ::select(all_of(selected_vars)) dplyr
Now lets check the number of variables (columns) in our dataframes
[1] 9
[1] 9
now lets combine the wos dataframe with the scopus dataframe
<- rbind(wos_selection, scopus_selection) all_references
3 Locate and extract unique references
In order to be able to identify if there are duplicates in our all_references
dataframe and examine summary statistics of the references-dataset, we need to make sure that variables in the scopus and wos dataframes are represented in a similar way. Sometimes variables differ too much, such that comparison even after alteration becomes difficult (i.e. in our example the variable “author”). However, for others we we can remove all punctuations and capital letters in order to make the variable structure of the wos refences and scopus refences more similar.
Lets see how we can do that.
First create function called preprocess
which removes all capital letters and punctuations
<- function(text) {
preprocess <- tolower(text) #all characters are transformed to lower-case
text <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", text) #all punctuations are removed from the characters
text return(text)
Now lets apply this function on relevant variables in our all_references
$journal <- sapply(all_references$journal, preprocess)
all_references$title <- sapply(all_references$title, preprocess)
all_references$author <- sapply(all_references$author, preprocess) all_references
Examine the scopus_selection dataframe
as you can see, all the capital and punctuations are removed from the assigned variables
<- revtools::find_duplicates(all_references, match_variable = "doi")
check_duplicates <- extract_unique_references(all_references, matches = check_duplicates) all_unique_references
Compare the total number of references to the total number of unique references
#count the number of rows in the all_references dataframe
[1] 376
#do the same for the references_unique dataframe
[1] 245
Something else we might want to consider, is if our literature search also identified one or more key articles that we know should be in the SLR. So, lets take a target article. In our case, the author of this specific literature review stated that (Van Marissing et al., 2006) and (Wu & Zhang, 2022) should be considered as a target references. So let’s examine, if they are included in our all_unique_references
dataframe. We do this copying doi from the target references and identifying if this doi is present in the all_unique_references
#Read target papers's bib file and extract doi information
<- synthesisr::read_refs(here("raw-data", "targetPapers.bib"))
# Let's test whether they are present or not our reference list
$doi %in% all_unique_references$doi target_references
The outcome (FALSE
) means that none of our target references is included in our all_unique_references
dataframe. We should therefore modify our query so as to include them in the results. Please note that for the sake of simplicity and speed, we have restricted our search to 200 articles in each database, which is why it is most likely that we did not identify the target references in this particular example.
4 Summarise references:
Distribution of publication years
$year <- as.numeric(all_unique_references$year)
ggplot(all_unique_references) +
geom_histogram(aes(x=year), fill = "orange")
Top 10 journals publishing on topic:
$journal <- as.factor(all_unique_references$journal)
urban studies urban affairs review
9 6
journal of urban affairs urban research practice
4 4
cities land
3 3
professional geographer regional studies
3 3
sustainability sustainability switzerland
3 3
Export combined set of unique references into a .bib file:
<- data.frame(
unique_data Author = all_unique_references$author,
Title = all_unique_references$title,
Year = all_unique_references$year,
Journal = ifelse(is.na(all_unique_references$journal),
Volume = all_unique_references$volume,
Number = all_unique_references$number,
Pages = all_unique_references$pages,
DOI = all_unique_references$doi,
Keywords = all_unique_references$keywords
# Format the Keywords field
<- lapply(1:nrow(unique_data)
unique_bib_entries function(i) {
, BibEntry(
bibtype = "Article", # Add the bibtype argument
key = i,
author = unique_data$Author[i], # Add author field
title = unique_data$Title[i], # Add title field
year = unique_data$Year[i], # Add year field
journal = unique_data$Journal[i], # Add journal field
volume = unique_data$Volume[i], # Add volume field
number = unique_data$Number[i], # Add number field
pages = unique_data$Pages[i], # Add pages field
doi = unique_data$DOI[i], # Add DOI field
url = unique_data$Keywords[i]
<- lapply(unique_bib_entries, toBibtex)
unique_bib_texts <- unlist(unique_bib_texts, use.names = FALSE)
Warning in dir.create("processed-data/unique_refs"):
'processed-data/unique_refs' already exists
writeLines(unique_bib_text, here("processed-data","unique_refs","all_unique_references.bib"))
5 Suggesting new keywords
NB: Parts of this section were adapted from the litsearchr
package documentation available here
Import .bib or .ris database
<- litsearchr::import_results(here("processed-data", "unique_refs")) refs
Reading file /Users/ccottineau/GitHub/SLRbanism/processed-data/unique_refs/all_unique_references.bib ... done
Identify frequent terms
<- extract_terms(text = refs,
raked_terms method = "fakerake",
Identify frequent keywords tagged by authors
<- extract_terms(text = refs,
keywords method = "tagged",
keywords = refs$url, # remember: we stored keywords into the url field...
Create document-feature matrix
<- create_dfm(elements = refs$title,
dfm features = c(raked_terms, keywords))
Create a semantic network
<- create_network(search_dfm = dfm,
net min_studies = 3,
min_occ = 3)
<- find_cutoff(net, method = "cumulative")
<- reduce_graph(net, cutoff_strength = cutoffs_cumulative)
Identify the main keywords
<- litsearchr::get_keywords(reduced_graph)
search_terms head(sort(search_terms), 20)
[1] "development projects" "local governance"
[3] "local government" "regional development"
[5] "regional governance" "urban development"
[7] "urban development projects" "urban governance"
[9] "urban planning" "urban regeneration"
[11] "urban renewal"
Identify isolated components of graph to suggest new keywords
development projects local governance
1 1
local government regional development
1 1
regional governance urban development
1 1
urban development projects urban governance
1 1
urban planning urban regeneration
1 1
urban renewal
[1] 11
[1] 1
<- split(names(V(reduced_graph)), components(reduced_graph)$membership) grouped
Write a new query based on additional keywords
litsearchrAPI_key = NULL,
languages = "English",
exactphrase = FALSE,
stemming = TRUE,
directory = "./",
writesearch = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
closure = "left")
[1] "English is written"
[1] "(((develop* project*) OR (local* govern*) OR (region* develop*) OR (region* govern*) OR (urban* develop*) OR (urban* govern*) OR (urban* plan*) OR (urban* regener*) OR (urban* renew*)))"
6 Drawing the PRISMA figure
Call the prisma() function to generate the PRISMA flowchart and replace the values with the actual counts from your study.
<- prisma(
prismaplot found = nrow(all_references), # Total number of references found
found_other = 0, # Number of additional references found through other sources (if any)
no_dupes = nrow(all_unique_references), # Number of unique references after removing duplicates
screened = nrow(all_unique_references), # Number of references screened
screen_exclusions = 0, # Number of references excluded during screening
full_text = nrow(all_unique_references), # Number of references obtained in full text
full_text_exclusions = 0, # Number of references excluded during full-text assessment
qualitative = nrow(all_unique_references), # Number of studies included in qualitative synthesis
quantitative = nrow(all_unique_references), # Number of studies included in quantitative synthesis
width = 800, height = 800 , # Specify width and height for the generated PRISMA flowchart
font_size = 20