Clémentine Cottineau

Economic and social Geographer | Assistant Professor in Urban Studies

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I am a quantitative urban geographer, assistant professor of urban studies at TU-Delft. In my current research, I model the evolution and causal relationships between economic segregation and economic inequality in cities, using systematic literature reviews, longitudinal analysis of empirical microdata and generative agent-based modelling. I hold a PhD in Geography from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2014), where I analysed and modelled the evolution of urbanisation and urban shrinkage in the (post-)Soviet space. During previous research positions at UCL’s Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis and CNRS’s Centre Maurice Halbwachs, I have worked on the patterns and regularities of urban scaling, industrial geographies and the history of urban models.

Professional activities

Since 2021 | Editorial board member @ Environment and Planning B, Urban Analytics and City Science

Since 2020 | Assistant Professor in Urban Studies @ TU-Delft, Department of Urbanism

Since 2018 | CNRS Researcher @ Centre Maurice Halbwachs (UMR 8097)

Since 2017 | Editorial board member @ Cybergeo, European Journal of Geography

2014-2017 | Research Associate @ University College London (CASA)

2012-2014 | Teaching Assistant @ University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

2010 | Research Assistant @ Laboratory Géographie-cités (France)

2010 | Research Assistant @ Federal University of the South (Russia)


2014 | PhD in Geography @ University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Géographie-cités) | Prize Ph. Aydalot in Regional Science 2015

2011 | Master in Geography @ University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

2009 | Degree in Economics @ University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

2009 | Degree in Geography @ University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


Geography and Economics | Urban studies, Geography of inequalities and segregation, History of urban models, Economic Geography, Complex Systems Science, Geography of the post-Soviet space

Quantitative Analysis | Database creation and management, Microdata analysis (accredited in UK, FR and NL), Statistical analysis and modelling, Spatial analysis, Agent-based simulation, Interactive Data-Visualisation

Geomatic & Programming | R, Netlogo, LaTeX, Markdown, Shiny, Quarto, Leaflet, GIS softwares

Teaching and Supervision | Social Science approaches to Urbanism, Spatial Analysis, (Systematic) literature review, Agent Based Modelling, Map-making. Supervision of PhD Candidates and Urbanism and Geomatics Master students.

Reviews for scienctific journals | Including: PNAS, Environment and Planning B, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Urban Studies, CEUS, Cities, JASSS, Transaction of the Institute of British Geographers, Health & Place, Geographical Analysis, Regional Studies, Royal Society Open Science.

Languages | Fluent in French and English, intermediate in Dutch, Russian and Spanish, beginner in Shona.